Author, Behaviorist, Animal Trainer, Animal Communicator and Psychic, Shamanic and Energetic Healer


Welcome to my world! I’m Laurent Amann, an animal behaviorist and trainer specializing in intuitive animal communication and soul work, as well as energetic and shamanic healing.


My mission is to help people connect deeply with their animal’s feelings and soul. This journey requires courage, as animals reflect our inner selves. Observing and understanding animals can lead to profound personal healing.




How do animals perceive their world? Do they experience emotions and possess souls with missions? Can their behaviors and health issues reflect our own? For over two decades, I’ve explored these questions through both scientific study and spiritual observation. Traditional science, limited in scope, often overlooks the emotional and spiritual aspects of animals. By observing animals in their natural environments, including their interactions with humans, I’ve gained deeper insights.



What animals taught me…


As a sensitive child, I found solace in the animal kingdom, where I was accepted and loved unconditionally. Animals helped me develop resilience and personal strength. My horse taught me determination, my dog helped me overcome depression and eating disorders, and my parrot showed me the importance of letting go. Animals mirror our true selves and guide us towards healing and love.



My motivation


Many animals suffer in our modern world. Pets exhibit stress-induced behaviors and illnesses (mostly reflecting their owners), farm animals are treated without regard for their well-being nor personality, and wild animals face humiliation and persecution. Overall, animals are often misunderstood and therefore abused, hunted, tortured and abandoned. Despite these challenges, I believe in our potential to improve as humans. If only we would let animals guide us…



How I can help you and your pet


I assist you in understanding your pet’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Through empathy and intuition, you will communicate more effectively with your animal, seeing challenges as growth opportunities. I support you and your pet in healing emotional and spiritual wounds, helping you understand your soul connection and shared mission.


In essence, I guide you both on a path of personal and spiritual development, from basic training to deep emotional healing and guidance on your soul path, blending scientific, energetic, and spiritual methods.



Laurent Amann provides private and group training based on the French Riviera and in Luxembourg, with home and virtual training options available.





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