Deepen your skills in intuitive animal communication, behavioral biology, animal spirituality, and energetic and shamanic healing. Learn animal biology and psychology, intuitive communication techniques, ethological training methods, and understand the spiritual lives of animals.
Program Overview
In this individualized advanced training, Laurent helps you develop your talents and skills for working with animals. You will immediately apply what you learn to your clients, team, and the animals you wish to help. Throughout the mentoring program, Laurent serves as your coach, supervisor, mentor, and trainer.
Who Is It For?
This program is ideal for animal trainers, caretakers, behavior consultants, communicators, breeders, energetic and shamanic healers, veterinarians, and physiotherapists who seek a holistic learning approach. It is also suitable for any animal lover :)
Topics and Modules
Behavioral Biology and Animal Psychology
Discover the social behavior of animals and the dynamics between animals and humans. Understand the animals’ learning abilities and use ethological and ethically correct training methods, to educate them and help them transform "bad" behaviour.
Animal Communication and Spirituality
Communicate with animals on physical, mental, emotional, and spirituel levels. Understand how animals reflect our mindset and explore animal soul contracts and the spiritual messages of animals for us humans.
Energetic Healing and Shamanism
Interpret symptoms and symbols of disease (psychosomatic medicine) to activate self-healing for yourself, pet owners, and animals. Explore healing powers of Bach flowers, of the present moment, of breath exercises, plants, essential oils, ... and shamanic techniques like trance healing and power animal medicine.
Program details
On-Site sessions: Available on the French Riviera and in Luxembourg. Please get in touch to schedule.
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